Yep! Reviews done. Over. Sorted. Hurrah!
As much as they greatly helped steer me in a direction for my design practice module, they were a royal pain in the backside in terms of taking up the time I wanted to use to get the design work under way. I've done a bit, but not to the point I hoped to be it because I couldn't concentrate fully on it.
Now I can! Booyah!
What I'd mentioned in an earlier post, my plan of action has changed somewhat. Doesn't mean I'm going to scrap what I'd already done though - which I keep forgetting to reflect upon in this blog (woops!) I guess it was all part of finding the right avenue. Testing the waters, so to speak, as to what would work from a practical point of view.
I wanted to get such a good grounding, that maybe I spent a little too much of my time with my nose stuck in books brushing up on the theory. Now it's a case of putting into action and there's nothing else - bar my job taking up time - to steal my concentration.
So pedal to the metal!
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