Even though I had done some loose sketches, I played around with silhouettes.
It was difficult to try and stay within the parameters of the existing soldier's designs. The danger with designing a unique character within a generic group of other characters is that you can either create something too generic or one that out-stretches the boundaries and sticks out like a sore thumb. The last thing you want is for them to look disjointed from the rest and potentially take the player out of the experience as they wonder what on earth that character is meant to be. SO, I tried to design him so that he would be identifiable as Hyrulean soldier, but one that is obvious enough to be a character you'd notice amongst the rest of the soldiers.
Not only that, but I also considered that he could potentially be a higher ranking soldier than the others. Perhaps mid-rank, as to avoid overly ornate armour in a game like OoT. This is a good foundation for giving him a slightly different, more unique design.
The same went for his colour palette. Although at this point I feel that he didn't stand out enough as a significant character since his colour palette is almost the same as the other Hyrulean Soldiers.
To make him stand out from the generic guards, I designed a more unique helm, and ultimately added pauldrons as a status symbol. These helped to establish that he could be of a higher rank than the other soldiers. This was my first result: