Sunday 9 November 2014


So I've sent out a couple of Surveys to gather a bit of information about whether culture really does have a significant presence among Western audiences, well, at least in the UK... because my contacts don't go that far!
Although that being said, I could create a survey on Survey to try and reach complete strangers far and wide. If i do that, it might be more reliable. We'll see.

Anyways, I've asked a number of people interested in games, but also some who are game designers and animators and other design students too. This will get me some info from other points of views.

By investigating what people say as a good character, both in design and inspiration, this will help me to determine how to approach character design so that my final outcome is marketable AND relatable. 

From these results, it could swing one way or another that culture should have a more subtle presence. Well it might not even be essential at all. Some people might not care. But, after all, this is why I'm conducting these surveys.

Now I just have to wait for them XD


Unknown said...

go get them dalbz <3

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