Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Final Project: Peripherals

The notion of using physical artefacts was to help with visual articulation. It's all well and good being told about something or seeing an image about something, but when it comes to non-trivial cognition, you want to be able to work things out yourself. It's the whole 'show, don't tell' scenario, really.

The Sage's collecting of these various stones leaves suggestions that she is a bit of a collector or hoarder, and is conscientious about the studying to find the answers she seeks. Also, the fact that she carries minerals over currency is an indication towards her disposition towards wealth. At least, these are some of the factors which were brought up in reviewing this with some volunteers.

The letters had a positive effect towards being able to make assumptions about why the Aura Sage is on her journey. They don't tell outright, but they leave strong hints.

These all accompany the journal to add substance.


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