Monday, 5 January 2015

Project #1 - Part 2

Part 2 entailed the integrating of Lyall into the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.

This was actually fairly difficult. The only things, even after researching, that were immediately apparent to me was that his art style would immediately change. His colour palette would be brighter to suit those of the characters of Skyloft. Those are mainly design related and don't have much to do with the game space and its culture.

Well, beneath the skin it turns out that most of the characters are based on birds, either by name or by their colours in fact. So their colour palettes are a part of the fictional culture.

I already knew that to change Lyall's colour palette entirely would take away from the character himself. I approached it a different way, in that I changed the brightness of his palette instead, knowing that the Skyward Sword is a much brighter one.

His outfit obviously changed to suit their culture too.

Ultimately I tried to adhere to the art style, although I don't think I did a very good job of that. 


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