The third stage of this project involved designing non-human characters. Now, these kinds of characters are more open to having a more interesting personality/nature/etc than a less sentient creature, however I reconsidered my concept of the Aether Quartz, and how badly it could affect the Quarzbuck which live close by to concentrated deposits....
This was the result of that questioning:
This was the result of that questioning:
This second design, almost an evolutionary stage, demonstrates the interaction between the creature/character and the space within which it lives.
Following this, I created three more non-human characters, deliberately exploring different types so that when I got feedback later on candidates had a variety to see whether they appreciated/liked/identified with etc...I did a humanoid, a witch which was once human many eons ago, an almost golem-like creature made entirely of Aether Quartz, and finally a forest imp, a guardian of the Aether that lives in the forest. I developed information about the races in general, as well as the specific characters mentioned below:
Again my last three designs have a direct connection to the Aether Quartz, the element of my fictional space that ties all of these characters together in some way. This kind of cohesiveness is important in creating a character that is believable in its environment.
Of course, it included some visual exploration too.
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