Tuesday 3 March 2015

Project #3 - Gathering Information

So I didn't know a great deal about Borderlands. I suppose that's what made this project quite so tricky to begin with, since I had to do a substantial amount of researching.

Gathering visual information was easy enough, at least. It's a unique art style regarding games, taking on an almost comic book feel. It's also very, very different from Wind Waker, in terms of style, genre, world and story. Again, this aspect also made it challenging, but also enjoyable at the same time.

Not only did I gather visuals on a variety of characters, but also on the environment around them as well since I am focusing on the characters within their game spaces and consequential cultures. Doing this helped me to get a good feel for the game space and what kind of character Wind Waker Link might be in terms of class and skills etc.

I learned a few things from a friend who knows the games well, including that Borderlands can be outrageous in places, and almost absurd - which ultimately gave lease for a bit of creative freedom, especially since Wind Waker Link is known to be a tad goofy himself. I also learned that there are endless possibilities for weapons and their abilities.

Having established these things, and knowing what shapes the game, prepared me for the design process.

Mood boards: 


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