Friday, 13 March 2015

Project #4 - Case Study 4 - Amaterasu

I've used Okami as case study in an earlier project, however exploring a different matter it seems that it is just as relevant here. Through research I discovered that the main character, Amaterasu is largely regarded as one of the most influential game characters. I found this interesting indeed, since she is a non-human character. In fact, she is a goddess of the sun.

Okami Amaterasu.png

Despite being a deity, and a non-human one at that,  she has been noted as one of the most wanted characters as a friend in Japan (Ashcraft, B. 2010). Okay, so perhaps it is easier for the Japanese to embrace her since the lore of Amaterasu is from Japanese culture, however she also gained an extremely dedicated following all over. 

She has been praised for being a character that 'doesn't need attitude. Instead she's a majestic and wise creature whose creators 'understood that animals are fascinating enough on their own' (Barratt, C. 2008). She's not a stereotype or an archetype - she's in a league of her own, and seems to capture people's hearts with her duality as a goddess and a wanderer full of wonder. Perhaps it seems strange that she, so far removed from a human character, is so easily identified with by players. 

My reasoning would be that, although she is a goddess, she sets upon a journey to save the world and restore peace. It's a pretty archetypal story, if you look at it closely, but it's brilliantly packaged within a fascinating game space with fascinating mechanics and an even more fascinating character. Amaterasu is a breath of fresh air - a benevolent protagonist whose gentle nature transcends her goddess status. Players are more than willing to step into the shoes of such a unique character since she lacks most of the typical attributes of many other main characters that are churned out. Even though she is a goddess, she is put into a situation wherein she is portrayed as essentially mortal.

Again, as a goddess and a wolf, there is no expectation for her to act any certain way since people don't really understand how an animal thinks, not really, so players aren't disjointed when they learn her characteristics. It's all unique, and it all blends well with the ultimate serenity of the game space. In the form of a wolf, perhaps people would have thought she would be more feral in nature, more egotistical given her status, but she guises as a flea-ridden dog to the inhabitants - displaying her absolute humility. (GamesRadar. 2012). That brings her a little closer to humanity.

She pleasantly surprised audiences all over and found a place in their hearts.

Barratt, C. (2008). The Top 7 Lazy Character Cliches. Available: Last accessed Feb 2015.
Ashcraft, B. (2010). What Game Characters Does Japan Want To Befriend?. Available: Last accessed Feb 2015. 
Games Radar. (2012). 100 Best Heroes in Video Games. Available: Last accessed Feb 2015.


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